Gravity Darkening

This is an ongoing project with a paper published and the code being developed on Github here.

Transits of rapidly rotating stars

Since its first use in 2000, the transit method allows for an incredibly detailed characterization of planets orbiting around stars. By fitting the dip in brightness to a transit model, the planet’s period, radius, and a host of other properties can be measured. However, one interesting parameter usually remains unknown–the orbital inclination of the planet relative to the star’s rotation axis–the so-called “spin-orbit inclination”. If a star is rotationally symmetric the transit will look identical no matter what the spin-orbit inclination. Most transit models today assume the star to be a rotationally symmetric sphere.

However, many hot stars are not rotationally symmetric. Due to their rapid rotation, they are actually flattened out into an oblate shape. In addition, the poles of these stars are more dense than the equator, which makes them hotter and brighter. This causes a phenomenon called gravity darkening in these stars, where the equator is a dark band with the two poles as bright spots.

While these phenomena are interesting to study on their own, they also break the rotational symmetry of these stars, making the transit look different for different spin-orbit inclinations. In other words, we can use these stars’ rotational effects as a protractor to measure the spin-orbit angle. In order to do this, we need a way to model the transit, taking into account both oblateness and gravity darkening.

The orbits of all 8 planets in our Solar System are nearly fully aligned with the Sun’s rotation axis–but recent observations have shown this is not the case for many planets. It would be very interesting to measure the spin-orbit inclination for a wide range of systems to understand why some are aligned while others are misaligned.

What I did: fast, gravity-darkened & oblate transit models in starry

I decided to extend the code package starry Luger et al. 2019 to take into account both effects in rapidly rotating stars–gravity darkening and oblateness. The goal was to make a transit model for these systems than can be used to fit data with techniques such as Bayesian MCMC (or other forms of posterior inference). Currently, the method of transit-based spin-orbit measurement relies on fitting transits with visible asymmetries with transit models that are very computationally expensive to generate. If I could speed up the model by several orders of magnitude, it would allow constraints to be made on a broad sample of transits of rapidly rotating stars, with or without asymmetry.

The code package starry was ideally suited for creating a fast transit model. Firstly, modeling gravity darkening in starry is very easy and very fast. Modeling oblateness is significantly more challenging mathematically, but after several months of effort, we finally found a way that is significantly faster than existing implementations.

Why are hot stars so interesting?

After my first foray into exoplanets orbiting around hot stars, initially came away thinking that hot stars with close-in planets were a rare and niche set of systems. I found them interesting primarily because they were an exciting look at the extremes of planet formation. However, I found myself being pulled into researching hot stars with planets from multiple different angles.

After taking a stellar astrophysics course, I learned that hot stars are extremely exciting stars to study. A-type stars are at the perfect temperature where radiation transports heat throughout the entire star and they have little, if any, convection. The lack of charged plasma roiling around these stars has a major consequence–they lack a magnetic dynamo to produce a strong magnetic field. Magnetism is a scary term to many astrophysicists–magnetic fields are hard to observe and can do very strange things in planetary systems and stars alike. Having the opportunity to study stars and planets absent any magnetic effects is very important to understand what role magnetic fields play in systems that do have them.

The lack of magnetic fields has another exciting consequence. After accumulating gas from its parent nebula and collapsing into a dense object undergoing fusion, stars are born spinning fast. All else remaining the same, stars would continue to rotate extremely quickly for the rest of their lives. However, most stars with magnetic fields run into magnetic friction from the surrounding nebula and slow down over time. Hot stars, specifically those of spectral type A-F, can rotate at close to their breakup velocity for much of their lives.

About Me

I’m Shashank! I’m a first year PhD student in astrophysics at University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. I also enjoy photography and play badminton.

Wrong guy? You might be looking for him

My life and education


University of Queensland


I moved to Brisbane to start a PhD at University of Queensland




I graduated from UC Berkeley with a major in astrophysics and a minor in K-12 STEM education. In addition to my studies at Berkeley, I also:

  • created and ran a 2-unit DeCal course called Beginner’s Guide to the Universe for 4 semesters.
  • played competitively for the Cal Badminton team, organized intercollegiate tournaments and served as their photographer for 3 semesters.

Wilcox High School


I graduated from Adrian Wilcox High School in Santa Clara, California. At Wilcox, I

  • started playing badminton and joined Wilcox’s badminton team, where I played doubles with my brother
  • created and ran the Science Club for 3 years
  • did science fair projects on astronomy and competed at the state and international level



I interned at NASA AMES Research Center at the K2 Guest Observer’s office after my (and my brother’s) 10th grade science fair topic resulted in the discovery of a candidate exoplanet. While there, I worked on

  • validating, following up and assessing cluster membership of a substellar object orbiting an A-star
  • searching for exoplanets orbiting stars in open clusters using data from K2


Here’s where I post what I’ve been up to lately. These are sometimes but not always research updates. Other things I post about include things I’ve been working on for fun, personal project interests, musings and other things I think might be helpful to share.

Apr 9th, 2023 | What is interferometry?
Jan 8th, 2022 | A 3d-printed moon nightlight
Dec 28th, 2021 | A foldable model of JWST
Dec 27th, 2021 | Hello world

What is interferometry?

For a long time I’ve been meaning to use this blog as a way of explaining my ongoing research interests to my friends who may or may not be astronomers. As I’m coming up on my first-year PhD confirmation, I’m reflecting on everything I’ve learned in the past year. As a way of procrastinating writing my confirmation report, I thought I’d sit down and write up an explanation of the technique I have been learning for much of my PhD so far: interferometry. Perhaps the visuals I’ve made may come in handy for my confirmation too.

A 3d-printed moon nightlight

I’ve been continuing to put my 3d printer through its paces recently, and found out about an intruiging use for 3d printers: printing lithophanes. Lithophanes are objects made from translucent material where the thickness is modulated to produce an image when backlit. One of the most interesting such prints I found was a spherical moon lithophane–which begged me to design and make a nightlamp surrounding it.

A foldable model of JWST

I’ve been very excited for the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) for a long time. So long, in fact, that I’ve had a JWST poster up in my bedroom since about 2012 or 2013, when I was 12 years old.

Hello world

Hello everyone! This is the intro post for my blog, which I intend to use for semi regular research updates, musings, and side projects which I always seem to be working on. For my main research projects, check out the research porfolio on my home page.


You can email me at:

Or, you can find me on Twitter at AstroShashank


My research broadly focuses on exoplanets and their host stars. I like to use techniques such as photometry, spectroscopy and polarimetry in new ways to characterize exoplanet systems in detail. Currently I am interested in hot stars with exoplanets, which exhibit a variety of effects such as gravity darkening, oblateness and pulsations, which can all be used to learn more about exoplanets around these stars.